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At Physio Plus you're in safe hands

We pride ourselves on providing the most experienced Physiotherapists and best Sports Massage therapists around.
Helen Reed - Chartered Physiotherapist

Summer has arrived! 

Its been 6 months since our last newsletter and as well as trying to keep you all pain free, the team have been busy building their knowledge and skills outside of the clinic too.  
We have seen a few personnel changes over the past few months so thought it was a good opportunity to let you know what we have been up to in and out of the clinic.  
As always if you have anything you’d like to share in the newsletter or on Facebook please let us know, we really are interested in your endeavors and always like to support you in them!  
Cathryn Clark - Chartered Physiotherapist

Hip Hip Hurray! 

This month see’s us celebrate 5 years of being in our clinic on Newton Road.  We’d like to thank you all for your continued support. More than 80% of our new patients come from your recommendations so we really wouldn’t be here without you.
As a thank you we’d like to invite you to pop in for a coffee and mince pie and free injury advice on Friday 22nd December.
If you need to see us before then please give the clinic a call on 01912812021 or email

Kate Disley

Tips for pain free gardening

Thousands of gardening related injuries are reported in Britain each year and many can be avoided with a few simple
precautions.  We don’t think twice about digging for hours, bending to pull out weeds, reaching to cut the hedge with a heavy trimmer or lifting bags of compost into car boots. Eventually something has to give and most often it’s our backs that suffer.
For our 10 tips to help you avoid garden related back injury click on the link below for the July Newsletter. 

Olivia Clerey

Caption competiton

This year instead of the usual resolutions of giving something up we’ve all decided (with the help of an inspirational patient) to take a much more positive approach to 2017. We are going to do more of something rather than trying to do less.
So we want to get more of you better, pain free and able to go and do more of whatever makes you happy. We are offering more evening and weekend appointments so we can help you achieve your 2017 goals.
In line with our resolution of helping you more, we’ve put together a gift bag filled with useful things to help you with
your New Year goals. For a chance to win, all you need to do is go on to our Facebook Page, “Like Us” and add a
caption to the below photo above...

Frances Cerisola

Springing into Summer

Although the weather outside the clinic is changeable, resembling a dull November afternoon one minute and glorious sunshine the next, the months are passing as quickly and we find ourselves well into ‘Summer’ already. Wimbledon has just finished (next time Andy!) and there is already an increase in tennis enthusiasts visiting us at the
clinic. This is also the start of the build up to the Great North Run – our busiest time of year. If you have a problem don’t leave it until a week before the event to get it checked out …..We’re good but not miracle workers! Don’t forget to book in early for a pre or post event massage as the massage team fills up quickly.

Laura Donaldson

Happy New year! 

As we enter the second month of 2015 already we can see that this year is going to pass us by as quickly as 2014 did. New Year’s resolutions are in full swing & we’ve heard them all from eating less chocolate …to eating more butter! (You know who you are!)
This quarter the newsletter focus is running. We see lots of runners at the clinic from charity fun runners to top level
athletes. No matter what level you are, the risk of injury & temptation to train through ‘niggles’ is the same.
We’ve addressed a few common issues here but if you’re in doubt and in pain give us a call!

“Just a short note to thank you for the work you performed on my shoulder. After only two consultations, the pain that was causing me sleepless nights had virtually disappeared, and mobility was much improved. I can now concentrate on my day to day activities without the distraction caused by the discomfort I was suffering. Needless to say I was very pleased with my course of treatment.” Mr S. Henderson, Newcastle
Contact Physio Plus on 0191 281 2021 for details about the physical therapy we offer across Newcastle upon Tyne.
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